QIAcube Connect


or fully automated nucleic acid extraction with QIAGEN’s spin-column kits
  • Automates over 80 QIAGEN kits with over 140 standard protocols for the most frequently used applications
  • Optional protocol customization expands the use to virtually any application
  • Allows automated DNA, RNA and protein sample processing
  • Eliminates manual processing steps
  • Generates standardized results
  • Enables quick response times and remote run monitoring through the provided tablet

Cat No./ID: 9002864

Instrument, 1-year warranty on parts and labor

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QIAcube Connect is redefining the benefits of automating sample processing. With advanced digital capabilities and connectivity QIAcube Connect with its accessories and consumables allows research labs to fully automate and track their well known QIAGEN spin-column extraction and purification protocols – at the push of a button.

QIAcube Connect offers an augmented user interface that provides a new dimension of utility. Researchers can stay connected to their instrument through the built-in screen and also remotely with a tablet (included), containing the pre-installed QIAcube Connect App, enabling quick response times and ability to monitor runs while away from the QIAcube Connect.

Explore the demo tool to learn more about QIAcube Connect.

QIAcube Connect operates in conjunction with QIAcube Connect Accessories.

To find resources for the QIAcube, visit the QIAcube (classic) resource page.

The QIAcube Connect worktable
The features of the QIAcube Connect worktable, which lets you process up to 12 samples, include: 3 tip/enzyme racks for easy loading, a sample tube holder/shaker, bottle racks for your reagents, a robotic arm with sensors and a UV light for decontamination.

The revolutionary QIAcube Connect makes automated sample prep available to all laboratories. The plug-and-play instrument simplifies and streamlines your purification procedures by fully automating the trusted QIAGEN spin-column kits. No change of chemistry is required, assuring fast startup and immediate results, and performance is comparable to the manual procedure. The innovative QIAcube Connect enables you to free up your valuable time, continue to use proven QIAGEN spin-column kits, standardize your results and increase your productivity.


QIAcube Connect enables continued use of well-established QIAGEN spin-column kits and eliminates the need for tedious manual steps. The innovative QIAcube Connect controls integrated components including a centrifuge, heated shaker, pipetting system and robotic gripper (see figure The QIAcube Connect worktable). This enables the QIAcube Connect to fully automate more than 80 QIAGEN spin column kits.

UV light decontamination

You can now achieve convenient and efficient full worktable decontamination with the new built-in UV light of the QIAcube Connect (see figure ”The QIAcube Connect principle”). By making use of the UV light decontamination feature of our enhanced instrument, you can prevent any carryover between samples, allowing for a single instrument to purify DNA, RNA, pathogen nucleic acids and proteins from a vast array of sample types (see figure Genomic DNA (gDNA) barely detectable after UV light exposure”).

Remote connectivity

With the new QIAcube Connect you can now spend less time preparing your sample prep run and waiting around for your results, and more time thinking about your research! That’s because the new QIAcube Connect comes with a tablet that allows for easier sample prep run preparation, and provides you with status updates on the progress of your run (see figure ”The QIAcube Connect principle”). Furthermore, the QIAcube Connect comes with a barcode scanner. Simply scan the barcode of your sample prep kit, and all the necessary kit information will immediately appear on your screen.

Illuminated worktable

The QIAcube Connect is provided with a light inside the instrument, making it easier to load your samples and perform your experiments.

Protocols for various sample types

The QIAcube Connect is provided with a variety of pre-installed protocols for purification of RNA, genomic DNA, plasmid DNA, viral nucleic acids and proteins, plus DNA and RNA cleanup. All standard protocols in the expanding range can also be downloaded free of charge. Customized protocols tailored to meet your specific application demands can also be requested.


QIAcube Connect enables purification of highly pure nucleic acids or proteins using a simple lysis, bind, wash and elute procedure (see figure ”Automated QIAprep Mini Standard procedure”).

Unparalleled ease-of-use

With QIAcube Connect, ease-of-use is taken to a new level. A large integrated touchscreen (see figure ”The QIAcube Connect touchscreen”) simplifies protocol selection, and clear on-screen messages guide the user through worktable setup. For increased ease-of-use and high process safety, labware and accessories fit onto the worktable only in the correct orientation. In addition, a fully automated load check helps to ensure that samples, reagents and labware are loaded correctly.

Dedicated kits for DNA and RNA preps

Dedicated QIAcube Connect kits further simplify automated spin-preps on QIAcube Connect, and increase convenience. Kits are currently available for purification of RNA, genomic DNA and viral RNA. Rotor-adapters supplied with the kits are pre-loaded with spin columns and elution tubes, delivering greater convenience and time saving. Furthermore, ease-of-use is increased, user errors are minimized and waste is reduced, as the content of the dedicated kits is tailored to purification on QIAcube Connect, and tubes required for the manual procedure are not included.

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