Electrical Density Gauge (H-6500F.3F)



EDGe Sensor Electrical Specifications:

Sensor RF Output Signal: <1 Vpp or 354 mV RMS
Maximum Sensor RF Output Power: <0.32 mW
Frequency Range: 10 kHz – 40 MHz
Internal Batteries: T3x AAA NiMH, Rechargeable
Charging Voltage: 7.5 V – 9 V DC
Charging Current: 1500 mA
Maximum Charging Time: 2 hours
Charging Indicator: Green LED
Battery Life: Approx. 40 Tests

Starter Unit – H-6500.3F

H-6500F.3F EDGe Field Unit


  • Complies with AASHTO T 399
  • Accurate and repeatable results that link directly to Proctor tests of your own material
  • Does not require highly trained or licensed technicians
  • Does not require special handling for shipping or regulatory compliance for hazardous materials
  • Easy-to-learn and easy-to-use with its step-by-step menu
  • Lightweight and easily transportable
  • Eliminates costs and safety concerns associated with nuclear gauges



The EDGe gives you accurate field measurements with a direct reference to your Proctor test data, and it’s non‑nuclear!

The EDGe Starter Kit provides all you need

Introducing Humboldt’s next generation, Non-Nuclear, soil density, field and in-lab gauge, the EDGe (model e). The EDGe provides Nuclear-Free, Field Density Measurements Based On In-Lab Proctor Test Data.

The new EDGe will determine the density and moisture content of aggregate, soil aggregate, compacted type I or II base, or native soil materials that are suitable for shallow foundations, such as secondary roads or base aggregate that is compacted in-place prior to asphalt or concrete placement in the final grade. The EDGe quality assurance / quality control (QA/QC) system is lightweight, easy to use, and nuclear free.

Now you have a field compaction testing alternative to the nuclear gauge with the innovative, Proctor-driven EDGe! It’s your easy Lab-to-Field solution!

Humboldt’s EDGe Starter Kit Includes:

  • 1 unit for use in the lab determining Proctor values
  • 1 unit for the field for on-site measurements

The 2 separate units work together with the use of a Microsoft app to ensure precise and accurate measurements. The EDGe provides a direct coorelation between the Proctor test data of a representative aggregate/soil sample in the lab and readings of the same material in the field.

The Lab Unit provides you with the tools to take readings directly from Proctor molds while performing six-inch diameter Proctor tests. One Lab Unit supports multiple Field Units. The Field Unit is lightweight and comes in a rugged carrying case for easy transport and storage. You can expand your field capabilities by purchasing additional field units. Both units are nuclear free, which eliminates the need for radiation safety compliance regimens and transportation restrictions. The EDGe is simple to use and allows any of your employees to be quickly trained.
(requires inexpensive tablet, not included)

EDGe Lab Unit

The laboratory aggregate calibration procedure involves electrical testing of a representative sample of the construction aggregate or soil materials while performing either an ASTM D1557 Standard Test Method for Laboratory Compaction using a Modified Effort of 56,000 lbs/ft3 or the ASTM D698 Standard Test Method for Laboratory Compaction using a Standard Effort of 12,000 ft-lbf/cubic.

During the laboratory test, the EDGe lab-sensor and a Windows 10 laptop or computer are used to collect and manage the physical and electrical data during the Proctor test. The software generates a Proctor curve that displays the maximum dry density at the calculated optimum moisture content and is saved and typically printed for client reports. The empirically derived correlations relate the electrical and physical properties of the aggregate or soil that is scheduled for placement and compaction on construction project sites, such as road construction or other shallow foundation.

The physical and electrical data from the Proctor test is saved on the laboratory laptop computer. This data can then be transferred to the ruggedized field Windows 10 tablet by USB stick, a cloud service, or wirelessly, for use with the EDGe field equipment for quality assurance / quality control (QA/QC) testing and construction quality certification.

Shipping Weight: 11 lbs (4.8Kg)
Shipping Dimensions: 16″ x 16″ x 6″ (406 x 406 x 152mm)

lab unit

EDGe Field Unit

The EDGe field unit is a portable, battery-powered instrument capable of being used anywhere without the concerns and regulations associated with nuclear safety. During field quality assurance / quality control testing, the EDGe field-sensor and the EDGe software running on a Windows 10 tablet or computer manages the project data. The EDGe field hardware is used along with the EDGe field sensor and the software to test the density and moisture of the construction materials.

In the field, the EDGe measures the electrical properties of the aggregate and calculates its physical properties by utilizing the established relationship of the aggregate’s electrical and physical characteristics. This is established in conjunction with the standard Proctor test and the EDGe calibration procedure. Field tests take a few minutes to perform, and the material field properties are displayed in real-time, as well as being saved for report printing.

The EDGe field reports provide the user and client with quality assurance / quality control data that includes the compacted material dry density, wet density, the percent moisture content, relative compaction, date, time, and GPS coordinates and a location map. The client reports can include additional project information such as the project name and number, the EDGe field sensor unique identification number, the EDGe operator’s name, the company name, and other information in the remarks section, such weather conditions, if needed.

Shipping Weight: 22 lbs (9.9Kg)
Shipping Dimensions: 24″ x 14″ x 14″ (609 x 355 x 355mm)

The App

The EDGe App, available free from the Microsoft App Store. This App allows you to operate both the Lab and Field units of the EDGe, as well as provide the field unit with the lab Proctor data. In the field, the App will record dry density, wet density, percent moisture content, relative compaction, date, time, GPS coordinates and generate a location map. This data is routinely used for construction QA/QC certification reporting. The App can generate reports in a PDF format, which can be saved or shared with others.

EDGe Software Features:

  • Download job data
  • Save and share customized reports in PDF format
  • Operate both the Lab and Field Unit
  • Provide the Field Unit with Proctor Data
  • Time/Date, GPS stamps for each test
  • Generate a location map
  • Report Header with Lab name

Recommended Computers:
Laboratory Use: Any Windows 10 Laptop or Tablet with Bluetooth® LE 4.0 or higher (e.g. MS Surface Pro or MS Surface Go 3)
Field Use: MS Surface Go 3 Tablet with Ruggedized Shell with Bluetooth® LE 4.0 or higher (recommended: Urban Armor Gear Shellm & Screen Shield for Surface Go 2) Microsoft compatible pen for laboratory and field use, optional mouse for laboratory use. A keyboard is recommended for laboratory use.

(Computer/Tablet Required, but not included)

lab unit